poznawaj język angielski na kursie w Wielkiej Brytanii

English Language Training for Vocational Teachers – ANL-GN

This course is for those teachers who are working in vocational or technical secondary education. The training will focus on improving participants’ confidence in English as well as furnishing them with the skills necessary for better vocational teaching.

All participants complete an enrolment form. If you are not a teacher of English, we will then recommend you to take our online placement test.

By experiencing a range of practical teaching techniques, participants will expand their own working classroom ideas while refreshing and developing their English language proficiency. By the end of the course participants will have:
- Collected a portfolio of teaching resources
- Acquired new ideas for motivating their students
- Increased their awareness of how learning styles affect teaching Increased their knowledge of British culture
- Shared ideas and experiences
- Increased awareness of how cultural backgrounds can affect classroom dynamics
- Created a network of teaching contacts within Europe

This course uses a wide variety of communicative activities to develop language competence as well as providing practical and creative classroom ideas. Participants will take part in workshops and open discussions and a study visit during term time (e.g. secondary school, an FE college or a training and enterprise organization) or a place of cultural interest (non-term time). The exact content of the course is negotiated before and throughout the course to take into account the specific needs and developing interests of each group.

Participants are grouped according to their English level for morning language development sessions and are encouraged to reflect on how they could adapt the activities demonstrated in lessons for use in their own classrooms. Afternoon Inclusive Education methodology sessions are grouped as far as possible according to teaching context.

Topic based language development classes in mixed nationality classes, grouped according to level. During these lessons, British Culture is also studied.
Subject specific vocabulary, classroom language and use of authentic materials will be studied alongside extensive use of CLIL methodology. Please note that these sessions are for teachers who teach practical vocational subjects. Examples of subjects:
- hairdressing
- car mechanics
- catering
- construction
- hospitality management
- health and social work
- childcare
- business
- sport and leisure

* Please note that if a group of 4 cannot be formed the number of hours will be modified.
* Optional evening entertainment will also be recommended, such as theatre evenings, countryside pub tours, live music / concerts and cinema evenings. On the final afternoon participants complete a course evaluation form and can discuss dissemination ideas.
* We offer the opportunity to join a mailing list of EU teachers who have participated in previous teacher training courses to encourage collaboration and the development of future projects.

Przykładowe zajęcia dodatkowe:

aerobic *, cycling *, fitness *, golf *, paintball *, surfing *, windsurfing *

barbecue, cinema afternoon/evening, city tour/walk, conversation practice, dinner in a typical restaurant, dinner with teachers, film evenings, guided city tours *, guided museum tours *, international evenings, karaoke, laser quest *, live music / music nights *, orientation tour, pub and restaurant evenings, salsa dance lessons *, school party, shopping, sightseeng, theatre or cinema visit *, theme workshops

Edinburgh *, Liverpool *, York *, Whitby *, The Lake District *, The Stephen Joseph Theatre *, Rotunda Museum of Geology *, Alpamare Waterpark *

* zajęcia dodatkowo płatne


British CouncilEnglishUKQuality  English

Uczestnicy kursu

Do you have any questions? Fill in the form or call: +48 12 352-12-09.