kursy języka angielskiego w Irlandii - Dublin

Irish Culture and English Language Development – ATC-PCA
ATC Language Schools

This course aims to help teachers develop their communicative competence in English, while learning about Irish culture and heritage. The course content introduces teachers to a variety of themes in Irish culture (both historical and contemporary culture). Teachers will explore who the Irish are; looking at their literature, folklore, music and dance. Teachers will learn about important social and political landmarks in Irish history and the road to Irish independence. Teachers will also look at emigration and the Irish diaspora, meeting some of Ireland’s most famous (and infamous) emigrants, and will examine the huge cultural and social changes Ireland has experienced in the 21st century.

The course is open to teachers working in any field, and is suitable for both experienced and novice teachers who want to develop their English language communicative competence and deepen their understanding of Ireland -its past and present.

Applicants must have a minimum B2 level of English, as outlined in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

The main aim of this course is to help teachers:
- Develop their communicative competence in English with a particular focus on the interactive skills of speaking and listening.
- Provide teachers with a broad overview of traditional Irish cultural heritage.
- Provide teachers with an insight into contemporary Irish culture and society.
- Provide teachers with a broad overview of Irish social and political shifts, from British rule, through independence, to the modern Irish Republic.

This course is an English language development course, which focuses on the topic areas of Irish culture and heritage. Participants on the course will be provided with reading/listening/viewing material on relevant topics, and will be supported to engage in discussion, and work on a group presentation of their choice. Throughout there will be a strong focus on vocabulary development and speaking practice. Please note that participants may be asked to read a text or watch a video outside of the classroom, in their own time.

- From rebellion to civil war and beyond – the road to Irish independence.
- Ireland in the 21st century – big changes in a small country. Explore the social and economic policies that have shaped contemporary Ireland.
- Music and dance of Ireland – explore traditional Irish music and dance, and learn about the influence of the Irish in rock, pop, hip hop and punk.
- The Irish abroad – from politicians to pirates, scientists to sports stars – meet some of Ireland’s most influential émigrés.
- Stories of Ireland – folklore, origin stories and world-renowned writers. Delve into the rich tradition of oral and written storytelling in Ireland

By the end of this course teachers will have:
- Explored Irish culture – historical and contemporary – by listening to presentations, reading texts, and watching videos through English.
- Engaged in spoken interaction tasks and activities, developing their speaking and listening skills through English.
- Gathered a portfolio of resources and activities on topics of Irish culture and heritage, which they can use in their own teaching context.

- Lessons: 20 hours tuition + 10 hours of project work per week
- Course materials included
- Interactive discussions with other teachers
- End-of-course certificate

There must be at least 9 participants to run the course.

Uczestnicy kursu

Do you have any questions? Fill in the form or call: +48 12 352-12-09.