poznawanie języka hiszpańskiego w Hiszpanii - Sewilla

The Eco-Classroom: Promoting Sustainability in Education – CL-ES
CLIC Centro de Lenguas e Intercambio Cultural

The course is designed to provide educators and professionals with the knowledge and skills to promote sustainability in their schools and classrooms. The course content is designed to help participants gain an understanding of the concept of sustainability, its importance in education, and how it can be integrated into teaching and learning.

- Teachers and educators who want to incorporate sustainability into their teaching.
- Administrators and school leaders who want to create more sustainable schools and classrooms.
- Anyone who is interested in learning about sustainable practices and their application in education.

- Understand the concept of sustainability and its importance in education.
- Evaluate the concept of the circular economy and how it relates to sustainability in education.
- Gain an understanding of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and how they can be integrated into teaching and learning.
- Understand the potential of sustainable projects and activities to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes.
- Learn how to evaluate and measure the impact of sustainable practices in the classroom and school community.
- Develop a plan for implementing sustainable practices in their own classroom or school.
- Understand the potential of technology in promoting sustainability and its use in education.

1) Concept. Understanding the concept of sustainability and its relevance to education.
2) Practices. Familiarity with sustainable practices and how to apply them in the classroom.
3) Projects. Knowledge of how to involve students in sustainability projects and activities.
4) Assestment. Ability to evaluate and measure the impact of sustainable practices in the classroom and school community.
5) Technology. Knowledge of the potential of technology in promoting sustainability and its use in education.
6) Implementation. Development of a plan for implementing sustainable practices in their own classroom or school.

1) Monday
- Introduction to sustainability in education
- Understanding the three pillars of sustainability: social, economic, and environmental. Discussion of sustainable practices in education and importance of incorporating sustainability into teaching
- Understanding the principles of the circular economy. Discussion of how the circular economy relates to sustainability in education. Activities and projects related to the circular economy in education
2) Tuesday
- Introduction to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Understanding the 17 SDGs and their relevance to education
- Discussion of how to integrate the SDGs into teaching and learning and the importance of different SDGs dependent on learning context
- Activities and projects related to the SDGs in education. Hands-on activities to brainstorm other projects related to SDGs in education
3) Wednesday
- Introduction to sustainable projects and activities in education. Understanding the benefits of sustainable projects and activities in education
- Discussion of techniques for implementing sustainable projects and activities in education .Case studies of successful sustainable projects in the classroom
- Group project
4) Thursday
- Understanding the potential of technology in promoting sustainability in education. Demonstration of different technological tools and resources for promoting sustainability in education
- Discussion of best practices for using technology to promote sustainability in education. Analysis of how AI technology can aid sustainability
- Hands-on activities to explore and practise using technological tools and resources for promoting sustainability in education
5) Friday
- How to evaluate and measure the impact of sustainable practices in the classroom and school community
- Discussion of how to engage students, parents, and the wider community in sustainability initiatives. Analysis of a school’s sustainability action plan.
- Group project to design a sustainability action plan for the classroom or school, including strategies for building a culture of sustainability


CEELE (University of Alcalá quality guarantee for Spanish schools)EQUALSInstituto Cervantes (Instituto Cervates Accredited Schools) International House World Organisation

Uczestnicy kursu

Do you have any questions? Fill in the form or call: +48 12 352-12-09.