Irlandia - kurs języka angielskiego

General English + Irish Culture Course – CEC-PCA
Cork English College

Course participants will learn about a range of aspects of Irish Culture from a selection of specially designed sessions including Irish music, literature, mythology, history, and food. Participants will also consolidate and improve their overall level of English through an integrated skills approach. In our mixed General English lessons, an emphasis is placed on listening comprehension, pronunciation, and spoken interaction. Improve your overall English on our General English + Irish Culture course and enjoy an academic, cultural, and social experience with us in Cork.

- Teachers who teach English in primary or secondary school or to adults.
- Teachers who would like to meet and share ideas with colleagues from other schools and countries.
- Teachers who need practical, useful ideas for their classrooms.
- Teachers who want to improve their own English language knowledge.

Our General English + Irish Culture Course enables students to consolidate and improve their overall level in English while enjoying an introduction to Irish Culture through classroom sessions on Irish Culture as well as social and cultural activities offering an immersion in Irish culture.

1) Monday
- Induction, warmers and icebreaking activities
- Listening to an inter view Vocabulary recording: building a lexical notebook
2) Tuesday
- Language focus: grammar analysis and practice
- Reading and speaking: adrenaline junkies + talking about new sports and trends in free time
- Irish myths and legends
3) Wednesday
- Speaking: everyday activities and general trends + Present Simple and Continuous
- Listening/speaking: new year traditions around the world + Webquest: present a tradition from another country
- Visit to University College Cork
4) Thursday
- Finding things in common: agreeing and disagreeing.
- Writing: Email to a friend
- People: appearance and character vocablary + Reading: matching descriptions to pictures
- Irish music and dance night
5) Friday
- Test and correction + Pronunciation Strong and weak forms of auxiliary verbs
- Listening/Video: travel show – places in America + Speaking: design a tour of your country

This programme includes:
- 20 Lessons per week (1 lesson = 60 mins) plus 5 afternoon lectures and visits
- Use of all pedagogical material
- Maximum of 15 students per class
- Certificate at the end of course
- Evening Social Programme
- Access to the E-Learning platform
- School Welcome Pack, Map and Notepad


ACELS (Accreditation and Coordination of English Language Services)ALTO (Association of Language TravelOrganisations)CSN (Centrala Studiemedelsnamnden Sweden)EQUALSQuality  English

Uczestnicy kursu

Do you have any questions? Fill in the form or call: +48 12 352-12-09.