kursy języka angielskiego na Malcie - Swieqi

English Language Development with CLIL Methodology – LSM-CLI
Link School of English

Developing English language skills through international group sessions, focusing on speaking, grammar, writing, listening and reading. These lessons will then be followed by a CLIL methodology course, where the participants will discuss the skills required to adopt the CLIL methodology within the classroom. Participants will also participate in workshops where they can design lessons which can later be implemented.

- Teachers (primary, secondary, vocational, adult)
- Teacher trainers
- Private Language Tutors

1) To improve foreign language competencies through the improvement of course participants’ language knowledge and understanding of English Language Teaching methodology
2) To introduce course participants to CLIL approaches and methodology
3)To improve learning performance through self-reflection on personal teaching, and to develop language teaching skills by exploration of classroom materials and teaching options
4) To encourage discussion between peers and sharing of ideas
5) To enhance intercultural awareness by forming connections with colleagues from different countries and sharing teaching experiences in an objective developmental environment
6) To increase motivation for taking part in future (formal/non-formal) training after the mobility period abroad by encouraging the right approach to Continual Professional Development (CPD), and increasing participants’ awareness of options available for them to use both inside and outside the classroom
7) For course participants to gain an insight into Maltese culture and heritage through our organized excursions

1. Communicative approach in practice for English Language learning
2. Learner-centred lessons tailor-made for the participants
3. Structured lessons based on engaging, studying and then activating language
4. Using authentic material for English language development
5. Explicit instruction in approaches to teaching and learning in English as a Foreign Language
6. Demonstration of CLIL approaches and methodology
7. A reflective approach to self-evaluation and focus on course participants as members of their specific teaching and learning contexts
8. Peer micro-teaching to increase course participants' awareness of the practicalities of different teaching tools

Before the course start, participants are given a course preparation pack including:
- Information regarding Europass Mobility application
- A needs analysis questionnaire in order to find out course participants' teaching contexts and training requirements
- A recommended reading list for the course
- A set of ‘opening discussion’ tasks to prepare course participants for the content of the course
- A set of EFL articles for course participants to read in preparation for topics explored during the course
- A course timetable

On arrival, participants are also provided with a welcome pack containing a map, student card (entitling them to discounts in various shops, restaurants and venues around Malta), as well as a list of useful contact numbers.

Uczestnicy kursu

Do you have any questions? Fill in the form or call: +48 12 352-12-09.