Malta - kurs języka angielskiego

SEN—Teaching with Special Education Needs – ETI-PS
Executive Training Institute

The world of Special Education Needs ( SEN) is complicated but that doesn’t mean that it’s impossible to navigate. This highly interactive and practical course, aimed at professionals working with SEN learners or in an inclusive seting, focuses on best practice and positive approaches. It provides a solid understanding of the strengths, needs and challenges of learners with conditions such as ASD, ADHD, Dyslexia and other SpLDs, and explores a range of classroom activities, strategies and digital tools that facilitate both the teaching and learning process.

This course is aimed at education professionals including teachers, teaching assistants, learning support educators and SENCos working with special educational needs’ learners within an inclusive seitng or working in an alternative provision of education. Participants need to be at a B1 level of English.

After registration, partcipants on this course programme will receive:
- A pre-course questionnaire which will enable trainers to learn about the participants' teaching backgrounds
- Information about the Europass Mobility Certificate
- A recommended reading list to prepare participants for various aspects of the course
- Information about Malta to prepare teachers for their cultural experience

Participants will be be4er able to:
- Understand the strengths, needs and challenges of the neurodivergent learner
- Understand the specific and shared traits of the most common conditions that act as a barrier to learning in the classroom - (ASD, ADHD, Dyslexia and other SpLDs)
- Ensure that all learners can access the content being taught and participate in the learning process
- Make use of digital tools that aid the teaching and learning process
- Use classroom ativities that aid the learning process
- Create a more inclusive environment both in and out of their classroom
- Develop skills that are necessary for learning

Sessions demonstrate current approaches, methodologies and techniques. An interactive and communicative approach is applied, which provides participants with their own experiential learning of the activities and methodologies. Input sessions are in the form of hands-on workshops, and involve brainstorming, analysis and problem-solving, both in pair work and groupwork. Teachers are asked to reflect on the activities, inviting discussion with regard to their own pedagogical knowledge and skills, teaching methods and contexts, and on adaptation of activities to their teaching and learning situations. Both teaching and learning are explored, analysed and discussed, further enabling the participants' use of their communication skills in English. Participants are also introduced to applications related to the further development of their skills and personal professional development.

- The course ends with an evaluaTIon session, where teachers are asked to reflect upon the value of the knowledge gained on the course.
- The PAGS profiling, assessment and goal seting licence, which is provided with the course, provides the opportunity to put the newly gained knowledge into practice.
- In addition, participants are given a post-course 3 month subscription to the e-Learning online site to further develop their language knowledge and skills.

1) Monday
- Introductions and Course Overview: The Beauty of SEN –Insights and beliefs . What SEN brings to the classroom
- Understanding SEN: Classroom implications and challenges . The missing Gaps
- Working with SEN: Learning difficulties or differences ? Specific and Shared Traits
2) Tuesday
- SEN and The Mixed Ability Classroom: Similarities / Differences. How one benefits from the other Interventions and Positive Approaches
- Engaging Learners 1: Inclusive Practices, Whole Class Learning, Experiential Learning
- Engaging Learners 2: Dealing with Differentiation
3) Wednesday
- Learning Paths: Different ways of teaching and learning - The where, when, who and why of teaching SEN learners
- Understanding the Neurodiverse Mind: The different minds - Triggers, Accommodations, Interventions
- Organising a SEN Programme based on Case Study
4) Thursday
- Classroom Tools 1 Benefits of Technology
- Classroom Tools 2: Cloud based tools that allow collaboration and sharing of information
- Organising activities for a SEN Learner based on Case Study
5) Friday
- Measuring Progress and Finalising the Integrated project
- Project Presentations
- Project Evaluations
- Course Takeaways

- The School will be closed on public holidays. The schedule for the week including a public holiday will be adjusted to make up the lost training hours on the public holiday on that particular week.
- A social programme including weekly cultural guided tours will be confirmed every Monday. Participation on any activities is optional.
- Classes normally runs from 9:00-14:30 with two brakes. Number of lessons: 22,5 hours (1 lesson=60 min) + 2.5 hours of E learning self- study (5 homework on-line links; lessons about Malta, to cover the cultural aspects) + cultural tours. Therefore thw certificate lists 25 hours/week. If someone misses any lessons, eg 1.5h, it will show ‘ 23.5 hours out of 25 hours.

Przykładowe zajęcia dodatkowe:

diving *, golf *, mountain hiking

boat cruises *, city tour/walk, conversation practice, country walk/trekking, cultural activities, guided city tours, international evenings, orientation tour, pub and restaurant evenings, sightseeng

Valetta *, Megalithic temples *, Hypogeum Temple *, Mdina *, The Three Cities *, Blue Grotto *, Marsaxlokk *, Gozo *

* zajęcia dodatkowo płatne


IALC (International Association of Language Centres)Quality  English

Uczestnicy kursu

Do you have any questions? Fill in the form or call: +48 12 352-12-09.