kursy języka angielskiego na Malcie - Swieqi

English for Business Communication – LSM-B
Link School of English

Developing the core language skills and inter-cultural competencies required for effective professional communication in international contexts.

- Teachers (primary, secondary, vocational, adult)
- Teacher trainers
- Private Language Tutors

1) To develop the skills needed in order to become more effective when giving presentations, leading/participating in meetings, negotiating, telephoning, socialising and writing in English
2) To build specialist vocabulary according to your specific field
3) To refine their pronunciation and improve their level of fluency
4) To develop the confidence needed to speak more easily in English across a range of everyday business situations vis-à-vis participation in simulated scenarios
5) To raise participants’ intercultural awareness, helping them to become more comfortable working in international contexts

1. Communicative approach in practice for Business English Language learning
2. Learner-centred lessons tailor-made for the participants
3. Structured lessons based on engaging, studying and then activating language
4. Using authentic material for English language development

Przykładowe zajęcia dodatkowe:

adventure sports *, basketball, beach games, beach volleyball, bilard, bowling *, diving *, golf *, horse riding *, kitesurfing *, surfing *, table tennis, tennis *, water sports *, windsurfing *, pływanie

boat cruises *, cinema afternoon/evening *, city tour/walk, conversation practice, country walk/trekking, cultural activities, extra grammar lessons, film evenings, film workshops, guided city tours *, guided museum tours *, international evenings, jeep safari *, lectures on various topics, literature workshops, orientation tour, pub and restaurant evenings, sightseeng

Mdina *, Gozo *, Sicily *, Marsaxlokk *, Rabat *, Valetta, Gardens of Malta, The Three Cities *

* zajęcia dodatkowo płatne

Uczestnicy kursu

Do you have any questions? Fill in the form or call: +48 12 352-12-09.