Francja - kurs języka francuskiego

Français Intensif + Méthodologie – FIN-GT
French in Normandy

1) WEEK ONE - General French Language Course
This course is of significant benefit to teachers who are non-native speakers of French who are required or intend to teach French or a subject through French (CLIL) as well as those planning to start teaching French. It is also beneficial to other school educational staff, those who need to develop their language skills to study relevant literature or publications in French, anyone who needs to work on projects/exchange programmes/committees with an international dimension and those who need to liaise with French-speaking colleagues, counterparts or parents.
2) WEEK TWO - Methodology of teaching French as a Foreign Language (FLE)
The input sessions are a blend of theory and practice in FLE using practical activities based on Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) methodology. Throughout the course, participants are encouraged to reflect on their own practice, consider alternative practices and try out a variety of classroom activities. The Methodology Course involves small-group learning for foreign teachers of French (or other modern foreign languages) wishing to develop their teaching skills. Input sessions consist of small groups of professionals and are designed to give an insight into current language teaching methodology and techniques. The themed modules/sessions are made up of theoretical components, French language teaching techniques in practice and the elaboration of pedagogical activities that attendees will be able to put into practice on their return to work.

- To develop the participants’ language skills to help them teach and communicate in French more efficiently and successfully
- To improve language teaching practice and offer innovative ideas and methodological approaches to teaching FLE and for the classroom
- To provide opportunities for reflection and feedback
- To improve participants’ confidence in their lesson delivery
- To develop and consolidate participants’ language skills by enhancing competency in French language usage in a multi-national environment
- To promote awareness of French history and culture
- To establish connections between teachers from a variety of European backgrounds which facilitates future networking and partnership potential
- To equip those working with French with key language and communication skills appropriate in educational, social and vocational contexts
- To enhance participants’ competence in communicating and sharing of knowledge/experiences in French at conferences and training courses
- To enhance teachers’ competence in reading and understanding professional articles and journals published in French

The overall approach in the Intensive French language classes is communicative with students encouraged and facilitated to use the language learned on the course. This covers all aspects of French language skills. Class work includes individual, pair and group work, discussions, debates, roleplays, presentations, writing exercises.

The Methodology Component involves small-group learning for foreign teachers of French (or other modern foreign languages) wishing to develop their teaching skills. Lessons consist of small groups and are designed to give an insight into current language teaching methodology and techniques. The themed modules are made up of theoretical components and the elaboration of pedagogical activities that participants will be able to put into practice on their return to work.

- Skills: Lessons integrate both receptive and productive skills practice with an emphasis on developing the speaking and listening skills.
- Competences: Lessons focus on developing competences needed to communicate effectively and flexibly through French in the real-world.
- Linguistic Competences: Grammatical, lexical and phonological.
- Strategic Competences: Interaction, compensation and repair.
- Pragmatic Competences: Functional language and discourse management.
- Fluency Development: Asking for and giving information and opinions. Expressing a point of view and providing supporting detail and examples, Persuading, Agreeing and Disagreeing
- Erasmus+ Topics,
- European Key Competences and Horizontal Skills
- Foreign language,
- Communication Skills,
- Pedagogy and Didactics Cultural Awareness

- Increased confidence in using different techniques to teach French as a foreign language
- Enhancement of methodological approaches for classroom practice and management
- Better understanding of students’ needs and behaviours in the classroom
- Improved French: all language skills, fluency and accuracy
- Furthered knowledge of other European systems of education
- Acquisition of techniques to improve students’ motivation and the role of learner autonomy in language learning
- Teamwork and interpersonal abilities
- Improved knowledge in using the internet as a teaching resource
- Increased potential to exploit texts as a language teaching resource
- Shared knowledge and experience with other professionals of a pan-European background
- Increased knowledge of French culture
- Better knowledge of Erasmus+ potential for professional development

1) Number of lessons: 25 hours per week
2) Maximum class size: 15
3) Entry Levels: CEFR B1+

Przykładowe zajęcia dodatkowe:

bowling *, cycling *, ice scating *

cheese & wine tasting *, city tour/walk, cooking lessons *, cultural activities, cultural events and festivals, guided city tours *, guided museum tours *, history lessons/workshops, lectures on various topics, literature workshops, orientation tour, pub and restaurant evenings, seminars on various subjects, sightseeng, theatre or cinema visit *

Paris *, Normandy landing beaches, Mont Saint Michel, Monet's Garden (Giverney), Caen, Bayeux, Deauville

* zajęcia dodatkowo płatne


FLE Quality Label (French Ministry of Education label to schools teaching French)

Uczestnicy kursu

Do you have any questions? Fill in the form or call: +48 12 352-12-09.