St. Julians - kurs języka angielskiego

English for Work 30+ – ECM-Z
EC English

Take an English for Work course and you’ll be ready to take on opportunities in all parts of the globe. The highly specialised teaching we offer will enable you to communicate in all situations, confident when interacting with colleagues and able to use the English language to achieve highly specific aims. As well as improving your English, you’ll develop many other workplace skills. The ability to solve problems, prepare for meetings and argue for your point of view will prove invaluable as your career advances. There are plenty of social activities to make sure you get the most of your time in the city. From fun nights out and walking tours of this incredible city. We also offer Academic Extras to maximise your practice time, with activities including lectures, a pronunciation clinic, and a conversation class.

1) Gain confidence at your workplace - If you want the freedom and flexibility to be able to pursue the career of your choice anywhere in the world, English for Work could be the Special Focus Programme for you. English is the international language of finance, science and a host of other sectors, and this course will leave you feeling confident, fully equipped and able to follow the pathway you choose.
2) Reach your potential - Taking the time to seriously focus on your English will open up unlimited opportunities for you. This course will enhance your English language skills in a manner specifically designed for the workplace.
3) True language immersion - You will develop fluency, accuracy and appropriate uses of English across all four language skills. You will benefit from excellent guidance, monitoring and feedback throughout this course.
4) Free language workshops - Free language workshops take place in an informal setting and target specific linguistic skills. Expect interesting lectures, topical conversation sessions and pronunciation practice.
5) Social Activities - Social activities will take in the most lively and interesting areas of the city you choose to base yourself in. Enjoy everything from city tours, the arts, sports, dining, shopping and nightlife.

1) Core Skills
The course will enhance your General English skills, with a focus on the language you’ll need in the workplace. By the end of course you’ll be able to express yourself with ease and handle specialist challenges such as writing reports and making presentations.
2) A focus on business
The business focus of the course will include topics such as taking part in business meetings, problem solving and critical thinking, using language to negotiate and writing reports, emails and letters.
3) The skills for the workplace
As well as improving your English, you’ll develop many other workplace skills. The ability to solve problems, prepare for meetings and argue for your point of view will prove invaluable as your career advances. The English for Work skills you’ll gain will give an invaluable boost to your future employment potential.

1) Lessons per week:
- 20 General English lessons
- 10 English for Work lessons
Total: 30 lessons (22.5 hours; 1 lesson = 45 min)

Przykładowe zajęcia dodatkowe:

beach games, beach volleyball, bowling *, diving *, fitness, horse riding *, surfing *, pływanie

boat cruises *, cinema afternoon/evening *, city tour/walk, conversation practice, cultural activities, dinner with teachers, extra grammar lessons, guided city tours *, international evenings, international food day, museum visits, orientation tour, pronunciation lessons/workshops, pub and restaurant evenings, sightseeng, theatre or cinema visit *

Blue Grotto *, Splash and Fun Park *, Mdina *, Gozo *, Blue Lagoon *, Sicily *, Valetta *, St Julian's

* zajęcia dodatkowo płatne



Uczestnicy kursu

Do you have any questions? Fill in the form or call: +48 12 352-12-09.