kursy języka angielskiego w Wielkiej Brytanii - Liverpool

Teacher Development with CLIL course – LIE-CLI
Liverpool School of English

If you want to teach English as a second language or to deliver specialist subjects such as law or biology via the medium of English in your home country, our Teacher Development with Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) course is perfect for you.

Our CLIL course covers the following key areas:
- Language and background to language learning
- CLIL lesson planning and use of resources
- Methodology and techniques
- Teaching Target Structures through CLIL
- Materials design and adaptation
- Subject-based vocabulary teaching

1) Monday
- Induction and course outline with school orientation.
- Aims of CLIL and rationale. Language across the curriculum.
2) Tuesday
- Observation of our teachers and reflection on observations.
- Learner needs and motivations. Cognitive and learning skills.
3) Wednesday
- Music in the classroom.
- Language demands of subject content. Resources including multi-media and visual organisers.
4) Thursday
- Observation of our teachers and reflection on observations.
- Materials selection and adaptation. Activity types.
5) Friday
- Classroom Language. Scaffolding content and language learning.
- Developing learning strategies.

There is a practical teaching element to the course. You will prepare and teach a CLIL lesson on a subject of your choice to our international students. In the past teachers have delivered lessons in art, history, social studies and health.

Przykładowe zajęcia dodatkowe:

bowling *, cricket, fitness *, golf *, ice scating *, mountain hiking, table tennis

boat cruises *, cinema afternoon/evening *, city tour/walk, concerts *, country walk/trekking, cultural activities, cultural events and festivals *, dance lessons/workshops *, dinner in a typical restaurant *, football matches *, guided city tours *, guided museum tours *, international evenings, joga *, museum visits, orientation tour, pub and restaurant evenings, salsa dance lessons *, sightseeng, theatre or cinema visit *, welcome party

London *, The Lake District *, York *, Manchester *, Chester *, Liverpool Stadium *, The North Wales *

* zajęcia dodatkowo płatne


British CouncilEnglishUK

Uczestnicy kursu

Do you have any questions? Fill in the form or call: +48 12 352-12-09.