poznawanie języka angielskiego w Wielkiej Brytanii - Londyn

Overseas Teachers of English course – MHL-T
Malvern House

Our Overseas Teachers of English course is designed to meet the professional needs of teachers from around the world and enhance their English proficiency. These practical tutorials are designed to keep you up-to date with developments in language teaching methodology and expand your range of teaching techniques using our state-of-the-art facilities. As well as learning about British culture, discussing ideas and trends with international colleagues and improving your English - you will also take home a wide variety of practical teaching activities and techniques that can be adapted to your own classes. Benefits of the course:
- Expand your range of teaching techniques
- Learn about recent developments in methodology
- Observe Malvern House teachers
- Network with international colleagues
- Brush-up your English fluency skills

Our syllabus organises modules into three core categories, examples below. Students work together to complete a practical project related to the modules each week.

1) Monday:
- Session one: An overview of the course and the plan for the week. Introductions to the teachers and staff members - and a needs analysis session.
- Session two: Discussion of difficulties faced in the context teachers operate in - solutions to common problems which arise in the classroom.
- Session three: Personalising tasks to engage teenage learners, motivating students, and working with difficult groups. Designing successful individual and group projects.
2) Tuesday:
- Session one: Using different types of realia and media in the classroom. Making use of technology around us, such as mobile phones and applications.
- Session two: Learning in museums, galleries, and other areas outside the classroom. Designing effective tasks to maximise the learning process.
- Session three: Exploring techniques for correcting spoken errors. Using task-based learning to develop speaking skills.
3) Wednesday:
- Session one: Effective lesson planning techniques, considering learner outcomes and how to reach them.
- Session two: Guided lesson planning, taking into consideration students' needs. Feedback from teacher trainer and additional guidance on meeting aims.
- Session three: Looking at "blended-learning" and "learner autonomy" techniques, and discussing how to apply it to different types of courses and learning situations.
4) Thursday:
- Session one: The "Flipped Classroom Approach" - theory and how to implement it in a real classroom.
- Session two: Maximising the L2 while minimising the L1 in the classroom: allowing learners more access to the target-language.
- Session three: Syllabus and course design - looking at how to design an effective course with clear learning outcomes.
5) Friday:
- Session one: Prepare tasks and activities for a variety of subjects using English as the main language in which to study the subject. Feedback and suggested improvements.
- Session two: Designing homework that is engaging and effective - giving students a choice and personalising tasks.
- Session three: Analysing, exploring and discussing different methods of assessment.


British Council

Uczestnicy kursu

Do you have any questions? Fill in the form or call: +48 12 352-12-09.