Dublin - ciekawe miasto do nauki języka angielskiego

Using Technology in the Classroom – APH-NT
Twin English Centre (Alpha College)

This course is for teachers who want to improve their lesson design and delivery using technology and improve the overall approach to technology in their schools. During a time where teachers have had to adapt to virtual classrooms, this course can help you become more confident in knowing how to integrate many different technologies to improve the learner experiences. This course will teach practical skills such as podcasts and vlogs to broaden the teaching toolkit and is ideal for those who wish to  share ideas on best practice with colleagues from across Europe. It can help to improve the overall approach to using technology in schools and, as a result, ensure better integration and greater student engagement in learning inside and outside the school.

The objectives of this Technology in the Classroom course are:
- to familiarise the participants with recent pedagogical and classroom technology developments in ELT
- to increase participants’ skill and confidence in the use of some computer applications , particularly in an environment where many of the students are very digitally savvy
- to increase participants’ awareness of the opportunities to integrate ICT into teaching and learning processes in their schools
- to give participants an opportunity, as far as possible, to use all programmes to which they are introduced and to learn to adapt some ready-made programmes to their particular classroom requirements
- to provide an opportunity to develop and consolidate participants own language skills
- to provide opportunities for improved methodology and creativity to help participants increase their student engagement and retention on their return to their own schools
- to establish contacts and share information with teachers from a variety of European backgrounds and facilitate future networking among these professionals
Through the realisation of these objectives we aim to assist schools in addressing identified needs as outlined in their European Development Plan and to re-inforce the capacities and international scope of the participating organisations.

The input sessions are a blend of theory and practice in ELT combining presentation, demonstration and practical activities to facilitate using and developing computer-based programmes. During the 2 weeks they will also take part in afternoon activities where the participants are encouraged to develop their language skills in a more informal environment outside of the classroom and further enhance their knowledge of Ireland, with a focus on exploiting school trips in their own teaching environments to develop language skills. The excursion programme is designed to also allow teachers create an online blog/closed group environment project about their time in Dublin and to give them more practical experience in creating and leading projects with their students.

This course on using Technology in the Classroom is a two-week course consisting of 44 contact hours as well as 2 afternoon workshops and an extensive cultural and social programme which is directly linked to the morning sessions.

On the final day of the course, the participants engage in a reflection session in which they are encouraged to examine benefits gained from the course. They then complete a course evaluation form. All participants on the course are encouraged to keep contact via email and private social networking. Alpha trainers are available for follow-up advice and support at all times.

1) Monday
- Induction, orientation and information dissemination
- Cloud storage, file sharing and blogging. Creating a digital portfolio
- An orientation tour of Dublin
2) Tuesday
- Digital citizenship and literacy and methodological implications of integrating technology and teaching
- Revising key skills needed for full participation
- Visit to the National Museum
3) Wednesday
- Designing a lesson using and incorporating technology – preparing activities to engage computer literate students
- Workshop: designing lessons
- Visit to the National Gallery
4) Thursday
- Tools and Apps for assesment
- Workshop: Using Online Tools and Apps for Assessment – Digital tools for formative and summative assessment in the classroom
- Supervised workshop - revision
5) Friday
- The Flipped Classroom – adapting existing material to create a flipped lesson
- Digital storytelling – free online tools used for digital storytelling.


6) Monday
- Using Google products in the classroom
- Workshop: Using Google products to create engaging content and classes
- Chester Beatty Library. Materials for developing writing skills in the classroom.
7) Tuesday
- Using audio and video podcasts to engage students with real world content
- Workshop: creating audio and video files for and with your students
- Cathedrals - History and influence of the main denominations in Ireland.
8) Wednesday
- Creating and evaluating digital clasrooms
- Workshop: Setting up a Google clasroom
- National Print Museum. Developing speaking through describing processes
9) Thursday
- Apps for education and the digital classroom. Apps to support Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy
- Creating real world projects in the classroom. Evaluating digital tools for subject specific projects
- Supervised workshop – revision
10) Friday
- Recording material and activities from your computer screen. Recording participants’ own flipped lesson
- Course review and evaluation. Implications for future practice
- Establishment of base and guidelines for future contact and networking

Przykładowe zajęcia dodatkowe:

city tour/walk, conversation practice, cultural activities, film evenings, guided walks, international evenings, museum visits, orientation tour, pub and restaurant evenings, theme workshops

Guinness Storehouse *, Jameson Distillery *, National Archaeology museum, National History museum, National Gallery, Glendalough *, Trim and Tara *, Boyne Valley *, Trinity College *, Croke Park, Kilkenny *, Bray Head

* zajęcia dodatkowo płatne


ACELS (Accreditation and Coordination of English Language Services)EQUALSIALC (International Association of Language Centres)M.E.I (Marketing English in Ireland)

Uczestnicy kursu

Do you have any questions? Fill in the form or call: +48 12 352-12-09.