poznawaj język angielski na kursie w Wielkiej Brytanii

Advanced Language and Methodology Course – BSM-T
British Study Centres

Our Advanced Language and Methodology is a two-week course aimed at non-native English speaking teachers, teacher trainers and school inspectors. Designed to raise and consolidate awareness of the principles and practice of teaching English to secondary school students and adult learners.

Each course is tailor-made to the needs oT the group so that maximum benefit is gained by each panicipant. You will complete a detailed pre- course needs analysis which informs the overall design of the course, enabling us to prepare a unique programme for you and your peers.

- to build confidence in your English language skills
- to increase your knowlegde and awarness of English language teaching and methodologies
- to equip you with ideas and materials for classroom use on yoir return home

During the course, you will be exposed to a wide range of language teaching practices and methoaologies. including:
- working with aavanced lexis
- an inauctive approach to grammar
- developing writing skills
- developing reading skills
- exploiting the interactive whiteboard
- testing and syIIabus design
- an in-depth approach to teaching, speaking
and listening skills

1. Orientation and introduction
2. A reflective approach: learning journals
3. Speaking and listening: practice and methodology

1. Teaching grammar communicatively
2. Lexis: collocation, connotation and context
3. Speaking and listening: practice and methodology
4. Social programme with tutor

1. Designing projects
2. Exploiting authentic materials
3. Speaking and listening: practice and methodology

1. Advanced lexis
2. An inductive approach to grammar
3. Speaking and listening: practice and methodology
4. Social programme with tutor

1. Classroom observations
2. Receptive skills: reasons to read
3. Speaking and listening: practice and methodology

1. EAP and ESP
2. Writing as a process
3. Speaking and listening: practice and methodology

1. Narrative structures
2. Exploiting literature for the classroom
3. Speaking and listening: practice and methodology
4. Social programme with tutor

1. Testing: what, how and why?
2. Materials evaluation
3. Speaking and listening: practice and methodology

1. Needs analysis
2. Syllabus design
3. Speaking and listening: practice and methodology
4. Social programme with tutor

1. Learner Autonomy
2. Recycling lexis
3. Course feedback and evaluation

Przykładowe zajęcia dodatkowe:

bilard *, bowling *, cycling *, football *, skating *, table tennis

bicycle tours *, city tour/walk, conversation practice, cultural activities, drama workshops, film evenings, football matches *, guided city tours, international evenings, international food day, laser quest *, museum visits, orientation tour, pub and restaurant evenings, sightseeng, theme workshops

London *, Stonehenge *, Cardiff and Wales *, Cambridge *, Brighton *, Manchester Museum, Ordsall Hall, Northern Quarter, National Football Museum *, Imperial War Museum *, Lake District *

* zajęcia dodatkowo płatne


ALTO (Association of Language TravelOrganisations)British CouncilEnglishUK

Uczestnicy kursu

Do you have any questions? Fill in the form or call: +48 12 352-12-09.